Monday, May 3, 2010


I just saw my first Apple ipad the other day and it was the coolest thing I've seen since a transformer. The implementation of new technology is just mind boggling to me, and to many of you I'm sure. Its so convenient with all of the new devices that are made available to us- cell phones, iphones, wireless internet, mp3 players and gps!! We now have devices that keep us organized, digitally, while we walk, drive, eat and sleep! In fact, it seems that we are so organized that if we lose our devices, we would be lost in the world anymore and not know what music we like, how to navigate and find places, and most of us would definitely not know a single phone number of someone close to us to call, should we need something, because its all stored right there for us in our digital hard drive. Yes, these technologies allow us so many freedoms and luxuries, such as working at the beach, speaking commands to our cars and pulling up directions to a remote location, finding the nearest Starbucks etc., etc., etc...all of the world right there ar our fingertips with ETA's and 3G networking capabilities. If only we could get these things to store our clothes, shoes and beauty products, we could go on vacation, work at the beach and not have to bring a suitcase. Heck, we should just all become Avatars and then life would really allow us to travel to the places it seems we are already going. Our lives would really be conducted mostly in cyberspace. We could leave the earth behind, eliminate the earthly issues and begin our lives anew in a digital hemisphere! Just think about all the possiblities, and solutions that technological implementation could be providing in the future! We've already come this far, what could possibly be next?!