Friday, July 23, 2010

EDU651:Week 2- What I've learned

During Week Two of EDU 651 at Ashford University, I have learned about the pitfals of wikis. I learned that despite the functions and many uses of wikis, there are important things to avoid when using them, because wikis can be editied by anyone, anywhere at any given time. Making sure that when you are exposing yourself to the realm of the read/write web that you not only edit your content, but that you are posting information that you don't mind others reading and making note of for future access. Otherwise, that information could come back and hang you.

The popularity of Social Networks is one example of a website where your personal information can be misinterpreted. Sites like Myspace, Facebook and Twitter are popular these days, and they are great tools if used for the right reasons. To keep yourself safe, and to protect others that you care about, make sure that if you are posting content, pictures, or disclosing personal information, that it is something that you have control over, and that you are comfortable sharing with the world! Literally! Because you never know who will gain access to that information in the future. Keeping yourself and your family and friends safe on the web is important, and you should keep in mind that although social networking is great for keeping in touch, others may take the information they gather and use it in ways that you may not approve of. I am not in any way discouraging you from posting your photos, or your information on these sites, but simply asking that before you do so, you understand the risks. Some of the ways that you can protect yourself is by setting your profile to private, or by limiting who has access to your profile. Make sure that only your friends and family can view your information by adjusting your account settings.

Happy Social Networking, Blogging and wiki-ing!!


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